Who Will Inspire You This Year?Prof man suit

I just spent three days with my coach and mentor at a conference where I got inspired and energized. I was surrounded by people who are thinking about the greater possibilities that occur for them in this brand new year. Going to this conference is an investment that I choose to make in myself each year because I know that you get more mileage out of a full tank of gas than you do out of an empty one. If I want to go out and achieve greater new things in each passing year, I have to make sure that I’m filling myself up with the inspiration and the energy that that requires. So I want to challenge you to give some thought to a few questions. First and foremost, who is going to inspire you this year? If your old patterns start replaying themselves out and getting in your way of the things that you actually want, who will be there to point those things out for you? If you start doubting yourself or feeling discouraged, who will be there to believe in you in the moments that you don’t? And if you fall short of living up to your full potential, who will be there to call you out on that and remind you that you’re capable of so much more?

Are You Serious About Making Positive Changes This Year?

Listen, if you’re not feeling excited and energized this New Year, that’s okay but that probably means it’s time to involve a professional to ignite you with passion. If there are positive changes that you’re serious about making in 2017 whether they’re personal or professional, then it’s probably time to hire someone to hold you accountable and show you how to get there. There are always circumstances outside of our control that impact us in any given calendar year, but when we look back on 2017 whether you determine that this was a mediocre year for you or a phenomenal and transformational year for you, that will be largely based on whether or not you took action or whether you failed to take action. CLICK HERE to schedule your FREE initial consultation with us.