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The Science Behind Couples Therapy at Flourish

Since we opened our doors in 2005, the relationship experts at Flourish have been sought out for their insights and tools on intimate relationships.

Our success with Couples Therapy is due to:

1) A highly experienced and passionate team of relationship experts. 2) The incorporation of the most effective relationship tools in the field of psychology. 3) Our educational approach in which we teach our clients strategies that can used time and time again. 4) Flourish’s coaching style that provides “homework assignments” to our motivated clientele and hold them accountable for taking action in between sessions.

The Science Behind Marriage Therapy at Flourish Counseling & Coaching

As an educated consumer of therapy, you should know that not all types of relationship therapy are created equally. In the field of psychology, there are countless different types of couples’ therapy and many different theories about what makes relationships successful. Most types of couples’ therapy lack scientific research or evidence that they’re beneficial or effective for clients. This can place a relationship that’s already feeling “shaky” at great risk if the couple happens to receive ineffective strategies in therapy and becomes even more frustrated and discouraged.

1. The Science of Love & Bonding:

At Flourish, we’ve integrated the science of the three leading experts in our field. All of their strategies and insights have been proven to be highly effective by a large body of research:

Psychologist Susan Johnson, PhD created Emotionally Focused Therapy after her research discovered that partners tend to have different relationship styles (or attachments styles) from one another that can be reconciled so that both partners emotional needs can be met. The American Psychological Association considers Emotionally Focused Therapy to be empirically proven. In fact, rigorous studies show that 70-75 % of couples who go through Emotionally Focused Therapy recover from their relationship crises and are happy in their relationships.

2. Successful Couples vs. Unsuccessful Couples:

John Gottman, PhD has conducted breakthrough research on marriage, relationships, and parenting for over 35 years. He’s the co-founder of the Gottman Institute and Executive Director of the Relationship Institute. His research includes placing real couples in the “Love Lab” – an apartment setting where the couples’ interactions and physiological responses to each other were recorded and studied. Through scientific observation of each partner’s behaviors, Gottman has been able to predict which couples would stay together and which would divorce with a 90% accuracy rate. At Flourish, we utilize the Gottman Method to teach our clients the tools that successful couples use to help them stay together.

3. The Power of Vulnerability:

Brene Brown, PhD, LMSW is a research professor and the author of multiple #1 New York Times best-sellers, including Daring Greatly. She’s made powerful discoveries regarding how often adults are uncomfortable with being vulnerable in their relationship. Yet her research shows how necessary vulnerability is to having a close, connected and secure relationship. Although her work was conducted independently, her findings corroborate those of Dr. Johnson.

Click here to schedule a consultation with one of our relationship experts.

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