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5 Strategies to Help With Your Marital Problems

Dealing with marital problems can be one of the worst feelings you’ll experience. While it may feel like your world is coming to an end, you can turn around a struggling marriage with hard work and patience. Read on to discover top strategies to help you and your spouse bounce back from your marital problems.

How to deal with marital problems

Remember why you initially fell in love

One of the easiest ways to do this is to write down everything you love or have loved about your spouse. You may even find that these traits still exist in your partner! By going back to the basics, you can put yourself in the same mindset you had when you initially fell in love with your partner, and can rekindle that spark you originally felt.

Keep open communication

While this one may seem like an obvious strategy, it is often ignored or overlooked! Keeping open communication is one of the simplest ways to address your marital problems. One important thing to keep in mind while keeping open communication is the importance of telling the truth. Not only should you be open and honest with your spouse, but it is also equally important to tell yourself the truth.

Focus on improving yourself

It can be so easy to get stuck in the rut of throwing blame at your spouse, but if you are really serious about fixing your marriage, you should turn your focus inward. Attempting to force your partner to change can lead to defensiveness or resentment. Instead, think about the things that you can change within yourself to make your relationship stronger. The easiest way to do this is to ask yourself, “What kind of partner would I like to have?” Whatever qualities you just listed are the qualities you should focus on portraying to your partner.

What many people notice is that when you start making these positive changes, your partner may follow suit. By becoming a better partner, you may be able to influence your partner to do the same!

Show your appreciation

With the stress of a struggling marriage, it can be extremely easy to stop showing your affection and appreciation for your partner. An easy way to bring the joy back into your marriage is to go back to showing small signs of appreciation and affection. Smile more, touch more, say “I love you” more, etc. Studies have shown that smiling more can trick your brain into feeling happier, and this strategy can be just as effective in making your marriage happier!

Seek marriage counseling

One of the most effective ways to deal with marital problems is to seek marriage counseling. Bringing in a trained professional will increase your chance of gaining the right tools to improve your marriage. Seeking marriage counseling can help you express your wants, needs and concerns in a safe and constructive way.

Let's get started …

Finding the right marriage counselor can be the step you need to regain a strong and happy marriage!

Request an appointment here: or call Flourish Counseling & Coaching at (303) 455-3767 for an appointment in our Denver office.

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