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“Divorcing Strong” Empowerment Group

Create a new tribe of dynamic, divorcing women who truly get what you’re going through.  This group is appropriate for any woman going through separation, divorce, or recently divorced.  Grieve the losses, process the major adjustments, and gain a deeper understanding of why the relationship ended. Sometimes society applies negative labels such as a “failed relationship” or a “broken home” to divorced individuals but Flourish doesn’t buy into those labels at all.  Participants will be reading Brene Brown’s best-selling book Rising Strong to compliment activities in the meetings and to re-frame divorce as a sometimes necessary component of your personal evolution and growth. This group will meet 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm one Sunday evening each month at Flourish.  The next group will meet March 5th, April 2nd, May 7th, and June 4th 2017. Space is limited to 6 participants. CLICK HERE to visit our website for more information or Email to register.
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