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Executive Therapy Commonly Asked Questions

Executive therapy is a way to improve your professional skills and achieve a work/life balance with reduced stress. It is beneficial to learn more about executive therapy and the various benefits that it can offer for professionals of all types. This review answers common questions that individuals may have about executive therapy.

Executive therapy FAQ: Here is what you should know

Executive therapy is similar to talk therapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy) in many ways. However, it focuses on the person’s professional life and balancing it with their life in general. Here are five questions and answers about executive therapy.

What is executive therapy?

Executive therapy often involves a one-on-one session with a therapist. During each session, the patient can discuss their professional life and areas where they hope to grow and improve. It can also include establishing professional and personal goals, such as reaching a certain role within their company, improving the morale of their company if they are already in a leadership role, and decreasing personal stress associated with their professional life.

What is the difference between executive coaching and executive therapy?

Executive coaching and executive therapy both focus on professional development. However, there are notable differences. Executive coaching focuses on the practical, in-the-moment application of their professional skills. It is more likely to include group training exercises. Executive therapy is generally more private and confidential. It focuses on the person’s aspirations, weaknesses (and ways to improve them), and other details that they may be less willing to discuss in executive coaching.

How does executive therapy work?

Executive therapy involves meetings with an executive therapist, during which the patient is free to discuss whatever is on their mind. The executive therapist can guide the conversation to help the patient find useful discoveries that they can apply to their professional life every day. Each session is unique, and there are not generally any predetermined discussion points.

What are the goals of executive therapy?

Every person who attends executive therapy has their own goals. Common goals include reducing stress, improving leadership skills, learning to handle conflict disputes, managing a team of employees, building relationships, and increasing overall professional confidence and ability.

Who can benefit from executive therapy?

Executive therapy is available for anyone who has a desire to grow professionally. This includes those who are currently in an “executive” position and those who desire to take on a leadership role in the future. In other cases, individuals who are not necessarily in a leadership role but want to learn how to balance their personal and professional life in a healthier way can also benefit from executive therapy.

Schedule an executive therapy session today

Anyone who has aspirations of professional and personal growth should consider executive therapy due to the benefits that it can provide. We offer executive therapy and executive coaching services to help you grow and improve professionally and reach your professional goals. Be sure to give us a call today if you are interested in executive therapy sessions.

Get more information here: or call Flourish Counseling & Coaching at (303) 455-3767

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