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What Do You Love About Your Flourish Coach?

As the boss lady, I get to decide who to hire around here and that is such a tremendous privilege that most people don’t have. I actually get to hand pick who to work alongside with and that is a real gift to me. Last week, I got to love on everyone at the Flourish team. On Saturday night we had a big team appreciation party downtown in Larimer Square. There may have been some good bourbon cocktails and some messy BBQ involved. Today I wanted to reach out to you and find out what you appreciate about your Flourish coach, and tell you a little bit about what I adore about each of them.

Marcilla Tims

Marcilla Tims has been working with me for years now, and Marcilla cracks me up all the time. I so appreciate having her sense of humor around. What a lot of people don’t know is that both she and I now have daughters in high school. Not sure exactly how that happened, but Marcilla gets me and my working mama drama in a very profound way.

Amy Couchman

Amy Couchman and I have actually known each other for over 15 years. We were good buds in graduate school and then kind of lost touch with each other until we started working together a few years ago. Amy is the calm inside of any storm. The way that it feels to be in session with her is also how it feels to work alongside her. She is also always cracking me up.

Krista Curl

Krista Curl, who I know a lot of you have met, makes me smile every time she walks into the office with her bubbly, vivacious energy. And of course, it’s always really fun to place wagers on what her hair color will be next month. She is doing a pretty awesome job at rocking her individuality.

Kristin van der Poel

Kristin van der Poel is cut from the same cloth that Amy is. Kristin brings this incredible poise and sense of grounding with her, and it’s always nice to be around.

Samantha Harris

Then of course, we have our assistant Samantha. She is the one you might see in that tiny little “office” by the waiting room. For those of you who don’t know, it’s not actually an office, but real estate in the Highlands is so ridiculously expensive that we had to make use of every square inch. Samantha is enclosed in this sunporch with south facing windows, so if you walk into check in on her any day, it’s about 92 degrees in her office. She is a hardworking graduate student, part of the next wave of therapists, and she is just always really happy to be here even if it is sweltering hot.

Those are some of the things that I love and adore about the team. What do you appreciate about your Flourish coach?

To learn more about each of these amazing therapists/coaches here at Flourish, CLICK HERE.

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