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Will You Check in on the Young People in Your Life?

Will You Check in on the Young People in Your Life?

Child and Family Therapy Denver

Today I want to find out whether or not you are willing to reach out to the young people in your world and check in on them this summer whether it’s a kiddo, a teen, or a young adult.

While a lot of adults are feeling better and lighter coming out of the pandemic, there is a growing body of evidence that our children and young people may not be there yet.  As a mom, I have to admit that it has been a truly difficult year for the amazing young people in my life. As a mental health provider, however, I am a bit concerned about the growing trends that we’re seeing in the profession. 

Last month Children’s Hospital of Colorado declared a state of emergency for the mental health status of our children, and they did so after they saw a 70% increase in the need for emergency room visits for behavioral health reasons when compared to the previous spring. 

70% increase. 

The Chief Medical Officer at Children’s concluded that as we climb out of the pandemic a lot of our kids have burned up all of their resiliency. They are feeling fried and don’t have a whole lot of coping mechanisms left available to them. Of course, the Denver area is not alone. We are seeing this trend across the state and across the country.

Now, summer can create increased isolation for our school-aged young people. They have fewer safe adults watching out for them than they do during a normal school year when there are teachers and other professionals around making sure that they are okay. Therefore that increased isolation over the summer can be a risk factor.

So if you share my passion for loving our young people hard and helping them pull their way out of this pandemic then this summer I am going to encourage you to lean in. Ask them how they’re doing. Tell them how you feel about them. Tell them what you’re proud of. Show them how much they mean to you by spending some time with them or sending a sweet little gesture their way. 

It is going to take a village to nurse our young people back from this and I hope you’ll join me in those efforts. 

To learn more about how Flourish can support you and the young people in your life click here. 

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