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Life Coaching: What to Expect

Here are a few integral components to the life coaching process at Flourish Counseling & Coaching:

I’ve found there are 3 specific ways that working with a coach tends to make my life richer.The Discovery Process

During your first three sessions, your coach will take you through the discovery process and they will assist you in taking a holistic look at each area of your life and how it’s impacting other areas. They’ll help you gain radical clarity into the changes that you’re wanting to make and set goals for what you want to get out of the coaching process.

Identify Your Unique Values

Next, your coach will take you through a really fun activity that will allow you to identify your own unique values. Values are always invisibly and unconsciously at play in our lives. They push us towards certain opportunities that feel like they’re in alignment with our value system and they also push us away from other opportunities that feel incongruent with our values.  Once you become conscious of which values matter most to you, they become a compass that you can utilize anytime new opportunities arise or decisions need to be made.

Taking Action and Being Held Accountable

Once the discovery process is complete, you will enter into the action stage of coaching. Your coach will assist you in identifying action steps that you can take to move you towards your goals.  You’ll leave each session with a list of action items to complete and you will schedule your sessions far enough apart that you have time to complete those tasks. Your coach will be there to help you address any obstacles that arise and shed new light on them.  And they’ll also hold you accountable for following through.

Life Coaching Services

We have a lot of fun utilizing coaching to help our clients reach their greatest potential. Clients can simply pay as they go or they can take advantage of the coaching packages that we offer if they feel like they are ready to commit to making positive changes in their life. We offer coaching services in person in our Denver office, as well as to folks across the country via webcam.
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