Executive Counseling
& Executive Coaching

Awareness preceeds choice.  Choice preceeds change.

                                                                                                                                    – Robert S. Sharma, The Greatness Guide

Our team is straight forward, directive and educational.

Which Service is Right for You?

Executive Therapy & Executive Coaching are two separate services.  During your consultation, Angela will be happy to help you identify your goals and determine which approach is a better fit for you.

Regardless of the service she’s providing, her style is straight forward, directive and educational.  She’s transparent with her clients regarding her assessments of them.   Most of all, she loves to teach her clients the tools, frameworks and insights that will be beneficial on multiple occasions.  For example, she can help you understand how you could have handled this week’s argument with your partner better.  But while you’re at it, she’d prefer to teach you how you can handle every argument better.

Counseling & Coaching Services

Counseling Services

Excellence in Psychotherapy

Therapy offers a safe and productive space to talk about our most private challenges. But when done effectively, therapy is also so much more than that. Our Executive Therapist is trained in the most effective forms of therapy available. She utilizes the techniques that research studies have proven to be beneficial to clients. This allows clients to learn solutions and insights that will assist them not just once, but that will be generalize-able and can be applied repeatedly throughout their lives. We offer daytime and evening appointments.

Counseling Services

Coaching Services

How is Coaching Different than Counseling or Therapy?
Coaching may be a good fit for you if:
  • Your focus is on your present-day circumstances and your future potential, not on the things that have happened in your past
  • You want to focus on identifying solutions to your situation
  • You’re ready to take action but need guidance in identifying where to begin
Coaching Services

Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a consultation to make sure Flourish is a good fit for you.

Don't live in Denver? Videoconferencing is also available.

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Key Facts for High Achievers Considering Flourish

Key Facts for High Achievers Considering Flourish

This free three-part email series contains downloadable tools for your use.

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The ROI on Executive Coaching & The Costs of Going Without It

The ROI of Executive Coaching & Costs of Going Without It

This free three-part email series contains downloadable leadership tools for your use.

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