Positive Intelligence for Enhanced Performance

Champion Team Performance and Productivity While Enhancing Mental Health in the Workplace

Research shows only 20% of teams ever meet 80% of their potential.  That’s because while our mind is our greatest asset, it’s also our worst enemy.

The Positive Intelligence coaching program teaches participates about their own unique “saboteurs”- the negative influences that live inside each of our minds that cause most of our stress, fear, insecurity, and negative reactions.

Our saboteurs are at play when we manage conflict poorly and when we avoid accountability.  Additionally, anytime an organization proposes change, the saboteurs of the employee involved are sure to get triggered as they’re terrified of change.

This coaching program has been proven to increase individual and team performance by 10-50% by training the team to become more mentally fit.

Benefits to the Organization:

  • Improves Team Performance by 31%
  • Improves Sales among Salespeople by 37%
  • 97% become more empathetic
  • 91% become more optimistic
  • 92% boost teamwork and collaboration
  • 97% experience growth in emotional self-awareness

Benefits to the Employees Involved:

  • 91% report managing stress better
  • 85% increased their level of happiness
  • 83% boosted their confidence
  • 84% Report improvement in conflict management
  • 92% Improve their ability to develop others
  • 90% Use their mental/emotional energy more effectively

Contact us to see if this program is a good fit for your team’s challenges.

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The ROI on Executive Coaching & The Costs of Going Without It

The ROI of Executive Coaching & Costs of Going Without It

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