If you are in the process of separating or getting divorced, we recommend that you visit us for divorce counseling. This is an important step that you can take for yourself and your future. Being married takes a lot of work and effort. Sometimes, the marriage still does not work out. As the marriage unravels, the people involved may experience enormous amounts of guilt, pain or stress. If you are in this situation, it is not unique to experience negative emotions. In fact, it would be entirely rare for you to not experience any of them. The key is to learn how to address your emotions and work through them so that you can come out on the other side, begin to heal and live a better life.
Divorce counseling can help you decide
Some couples that visit us for divorce counseling do so because they are unsure if they want to end the marriage. They know they need to decide and are very often separated, but are on the fence about whether they can restore their relationship or not. Doing so without the help of a therapist is nearly impossible.
A couple needs to determine what the cause of the deterioration of their marriage is in the first place. Was it external stress that can be eliminated? Are there communication challenges that make it difficult for you to speak with each other? Is there a history of abuse, neglect or infidelity that cannot be overcome? By working with the couple to identify what caused the unraveling of the marriage, we can help both partners to see whether there is the possibility of restoration. We need both partners to commit toward working on the relationship and taking the steps necessary to do so.
In this case, some couples can restore their relationship and begin to live together again after a period of separation. However, this is not always the case. Some relationships need to end for the emotional, mental and physical health of both parties. At that point, counseling needs to focus on healing rather than restoration.
Begin the healing process
It is difficult to heal from something as traumatic as a divorce. The longer one is married, the harder it will be. Divorce involves the complete unraveling of every area of the couple’s life. The social circles, income, living situation, family and everything will be impacted by the divorce. Both partners will need to deal with their own emotions along with their children’s emotions and the family. This can become an overwhelming situation that makes it impossible to move forward with life.
The good news is that we can help couples to do so in a healthy manner. Helping you to deal with your grief and pain, makes it possible for you to move past it. To heal, you must first deal with the past and then look towards the future with hope and optimism. Difficult to do on your own, a bright future is possible with the right help and divorce counseling can give it to you. Call us for more information or to schedule a consultation.