How to Balance Your Kids’ School Year

If you are a parent of school age kids, you are probably in full swing with school, activities, sports, clubs, and all that come with the school year. I think it’s a good time to check in with yourself and with your kid about their schedule to make sure it’s as...

Balancing Your Kid’s School Year

Senior therapist, Marcilla Tims, is back with us this week sharing some tips on how you can help make sure your kids’ school year is as balanced as possible:If you or your family is in need of some extra support right now, CLICK HERE to schedule your free...

Facilitating Synergy Inside Your Home

Today I want to talk to you about synergy and how you can create more synergy with your partner or your family inside your home. Synergy is that sweet space where everything is just clipping along and flowing and everybody’s getting along pretty harmoniously. Who...