Our Clients Are Amazing

Although we would NEVER tell you who they are, we can tell you that we are constantly impressed by the incredible things our clients do, change and accomplish. Here’s a representative sample of the important shifts occurring this month:
- 52 people had difficult and courageous conversations with someone close to them. These conversations were tremendously uncomfortable for them, which is why they were so courageous.
- 9 people left a relationship, not because it was easy for them to leave but because they knew that the only way to be true to themselves was to move on.
- 34 individuals worked on the demons in their past, so that they can no longer hold them back.
- 6 children spoke up to their grown ups about what they need in order to feel happier.
- 27 brave singles had the courage to get out of bed on Valentine’s Day. Some were lonely, others hurting from a recent break up, all were tempted to keep the covers pulled over their heads and spend the day in bed, but ALL had the perseverance to face Valentine’s Day alone.
- 5 stressed out and exhausted professionals vowed to begin their search for a new job.
- 19 disconnected couples went out on a limb and took a risk by rekindling their sex lives.
You may have overlooked how bold or important your steps have been this month… but they haven’t escaped our attention.
To learn more about how YOU can become one of our incredible clients, CLICK HERE and schedule your free initial consultation.