Unveiling the Roots: Understanding Recurrent Depression and Anxiety in High-Performing Professionals

Unveiling the Roots: Understanding Recurrent Depression and Anxiety in High-Performing Professionals

In the fast-paced world of high-performing professionals and executives, the relentless pursuit of success often coexists with the silent struggles of recurrent depression and anxiety. While various treatments exist, it’s crucial to explore the underlying...

Here Comes the 60-Year Career

As life expectancy continues to increase, the traditional retirement model may need to be reevaluated. In a recent article published in The Wall Street Journal, the author explores the impact of longer careers and retirement periods on individuals and society as a...

Female Execs Heading for the Exits

Executive Coaching Breaking barriers and overcoming obstacles, female leaders have long been driving forces in the professional world. Yet, the recent exodus of Gex X female executives is a troubling trend that demands attention. As this Bloomberg article highlights...